A Bribery Case of Meat Import !!!
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Another fresh news today @ local TV station (Thursday, January 31st), a political party named P*S which was organizing a press conference, suddenly visited by KPK (corruption eradication comission) and caught its president for bribe case of meat import. In this case, KPK visited to 3 bribe locations, prohibited the P*S president to go abroad, and sealed the ministry of agriculture, livestock office. The suspected was 4 people, initialed LHI, AAE, JE and AF. Suswono, the minister of agriculture said that the suspected was not from the ministry.
Are there enough evidences? According to investigation, KPK had found 2 evidences, enough to specified LHI as a suspected of this case. LHI, the president of P*S and also member of first commission of parliament was suspected received money ( 1 billion rupiahs) from AF as a link from Ind*g*n* Ut*m* Ltd. There was some kind of secret meeting between AF, JE and AAE (without LHI) which leaded to handover of money at AF's car. That investigation process found evidence and information that LHI was involved.
Source: Metro TV news
- http://www.bekasiindependen.com/hakim-su-dan-pw-resmi-tersangka/johan-budi-kpk/
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